Hello all you blog readers out there. I would like to welcome you to tipsy hour. I cannot tell you how long its been since I have had more than one adult beverage in one sitting. I'm a huge lightweight. 2 beers and 2 shots tequila. At least I knew when to leave. At the same time I made my first corny joke. Wait. That's all my jokes. When I made my first SUPER corny joke. I waitressed tonight and after closing we all four shared in drinking a few. The owners myself and the knew and probobly first official head chef at my local diner. The conversation was all business visionary. I'm only there to snag a few bucks but this new guy is a keeper. I wouldn't cry if they bagged me. In fact if Gordon Ramsey were there he would fire me. I'm new and I suck a bit. Whatever. I got $100 for4 hours work and that's $100 more than I had 4 hours ago. This guy, though has a dream. I listened and was happy for them while drinking my beer. Then he used a comparison of the restaurant as a gold mine and there were no miners there. I spoke up and said they could hire my 16 year old. On that lame joke I took my leave. Goodnight all as I must get up in the morning and work another 16 hour work day. Yea me!!!!
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